domingo, 17 de febrero de 2013

Personal Diary: February 17th, year 115

Today, another of the Chosen has fallen from grace. Captain Von Khan no longer holds any rank inside the Praetoria Imperialis Excubitoris, and his disgrace is public all over the IGS. He became infatuated by a sani sabik, a captain by the name of Silas Vitalia, and his desire made him a puppet at her hands. Fortunately, she's more a drama queen than a real puppeteer, and decided to make the facts public instead of using him as an inside informer within the Praetoria.

But this is a hard lesson for all of us, for even those that supposedly are the purest and most perfect of amarrians, can fall prey to lust, greed and other flaws that destroy them as persons. We're not invulnerable. I had seen it too often in the Imperial Navy, and I too was destroyed for a time due to the combination of guilt, doubts and whiskey.

I had hoped pod pilots would be different, even if they were arrogant self-loving bastards, they were loyal to their causes. But I guess that I soon saw that was not the case, as my meeting with Holder Caine (who, by the way, is going to be put to trial, apparently) soon proved. But now, this is not an ex-member of an organization of dubious reputation, to say the least, but one of the fellow members of the Praetoria that falls. This strikes much closer.

We must remain forever vigilant, even about those among them. The enemy can be tempting, and knows how to resort to pressing on our weak spots. Vigilance, will, determination, loyalty, service... those are the tools that can help us walk on this narrow and twisted path that sepparates the righteous from those that fail to uphold such a high honor and position.

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