Officers present: Commander Hargrave Kador, Commodore Vincius Caius, Templar Liuteneant Tracy Bickers.
Date: March 19th, year 111.
Place: Imperial Navy Command Outpost 21, in orbit around Saikamon II.
C. HK: we're assembled here under instructions from Admiral Saracen, of the 7th Imperial Fleet, to address the continuous reports on Imperator Commander Sepherim Catillah. Commodore Caius, please read the accusations.
C. VC: very well, Sir. Since July 17th of the past year, there have been 21 reports of misconduct for Imperator Commander Catillah. Bar fights in the dining halls, discussions, being drunk, speak back at his commanding officer after duty. Small insubordination.
T.L. TB: speaking back during combat? Did he follow orders?
C. VC: yes, Imperator Commander Catillah followed the orders he disagreed with, only talked back when he returned to the base. Shall I go on?
Small silence. Hargrave Kador nods as he adds some notes to his report on what is being said.
C. VC: on October 17th, the first report came that Imperator Commander was leading his wing while being drunk. No casualties suffered, but he was ordered to return to base and report to his superiors. There have been 3 more reports like this one since then. One of them during a reconaissance mission by his wing in which the INS Revenant II was destroyed, with the death of half the tripulation; reports are sketchy on this, and it isn't clear if it was due to Imperator Commander Catillah's condition, or due to an overwhelming enemy strength that was unstoppable given his strengths.
C. HK: I'm reading the report on that battle, seems like little could have been done to win it, but a more effective retreat could have saved the INS Revenant II.
T.L. TB: what about the men and women under his orders, in the wings under his command?
C. VC: apparently, they back him. Seems like they respect him quite a lot, and the reports we have of his missconduct come from other wings and squads. Not even after the event we just discussed did his wingmen speak against him.
C. HK: missplaced loyalty on their behalf then.
T.L. TB: well, Imperator Commander Sepherim Catillah has earned several medals, sir. He has been condecorated several times during the different campaigns in which he has participated, and probably that loyalty stems from those days.
C. HK: indeed, but glories past don't make up for present failures.
Vincius Caius nods firmly.
C. HK: so, we have a decorated officer who is misconducting, getting into fights, speaking back at his superiors, and risking the lives of his men with his attitude and drinking problems. Right?
C. VC: yes, Sir.
C. HK: when was the last report?
C. VC: two weeks ago, he got into a fight with his commanding officer Commander Nelly Kor-Azor. Reports say she won the fight, by the way.
C. HK: I see. I believe that, in the light of the reports and the evidences within them, we should ask Imperator Commander to abandon the Imperial Navy instead of expelling him. No need to harm the institution showing the misconduct of one of our officers. He should leave the Navy without honors, though. Any comments?
C. VC: none, Sir.
T. L. TB: I'll make sure he gets the suggestion that he should leave, then, or that we will expell him, Commander.
C. HK: very well. Next case?
Recording ends for Imperator Commander Sepherim Catillah's hearing. Reports filed under case 45-016-783, encryption level beta, security clearance beta.
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