Phase 2 of the plan is complete, albeit with a week of delay from the expected plans. But, finally, the INS Doombringer, my Harbinger Battlecruiser, is docked beside the INS Wraith that has served me so well. It's going to be strange to leave it behind, but I know the Harbinger will be all I need to keep my isk flowing thanks to the contacts that I've been making and that bring me the isk I'll need to be able to maintain myself in the frontlines.
It's going to be good to be in a Harbinger again, it's a ship that brings a lot of fond memories to mind. Specially the beautiful Eleonora, which at one time I almost proposed marriage to... though I guess life got in the way. Well, life and that asshole Commander Ibrahim, may he forever be damned! But better remain on the good memories, and forget her departure from my side.
She probably is the woman that has marked me the most in my life. She's not been my unique girlfriend, certainly not the first one, but she's responsible for a lot of what I am now, good and bad. Like the tatoo around my eye, which I did in a tattoo parlor in Tannakan while she got her own. Was some kind of visual bond between us, and I haven't found the will to take it out, even though many years have passed since I flew in a Harbinger, and those same years since I saw her for the last time. Damn Ibrahim...
Anyway, the recently built INS Doombringer will soon start its own road, and new memories will be forged inside it's golden corridors. I still need to muster some isk to finish fitting it, I want it to be invincible and that will require some effort. Which it will repay in time, but until then, some more work will have to be devoted to it. For now, it already counts with tech 2 damage controls and armor repairer, but much more needs to be installed before it can fly.
And once that's done, I'll buy a few more Punishers (or Crucifiers, seems like they're quite good now) and move them and the Wraith to Saikamon or Sahtogas, or Myyhera... don't know yet. To the frontlines, for all that matters, only the Doombringer will remain behind and start paving the way to buying a Damnation... but those are still phase 3 and 4. Still need some time for them to be fulfilled.
Meanwhile, even if things are progressing on this end, I must admit the troubling news that are coming from Caldari space are troublesome. I have always considered them unsure allies, at best, and money-thirsty savages at worst, depending on each case. But what's undoutable is that Tibus Heth is continuing to destroy their way of life and their state as they have created it. And that's something wrong by any book.
Each society has its own way of living, and that must be respected. I wouldn't even wish the pitiful Gallente such a fate. Every nation should be governed by their leaders according to their customs, and not be thrown away for power or glory; that is, at least until they are properly Reclaimed.
But I fear Heth won't leave his position easily. It will probably require the sacrifice of many loyal lives before his reign is over.
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