miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2013

Personal Diary: May 2nd, year 115

Today we had the second flight for new PIE pilots into the Bleak Lands, but as far as the school fleet goes, it wasn't a success. Yet, Uriel Arcondus and I got together and gathered a fleet and went out fighting in the Bleak Lands, which is nice. I also did my second interview of a prospect to join PIE, we'll see how that went.

But the important thing was that I met two legends among capsuleers and PIE specifically. Cardinal Graelyn and Admiral Gaven Lok'ri joined us, and it was a pleasure and a honor to fly by their side. Brief, that must be admitted, but great. Seeing examples such as them still flying and pressing on... it's inspirational. We may be slowly pushing the Minmatarr out of the corner they put us in, but it's men like them that make all the losses not count. Soon we will recover what is owed to the Empire.

Later edit: in tonight's report, Admiral Newelle has promoted me to Liuteneant! There's much work to be done, but this is a sign that I'm on the right path. New responsabilities, new tasks, but I'll endure, for the good of the Empire and PIE, now I have to make myself worthy of this new rank!

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